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公告 訪客 - 學務 | 2019-10-15 | 點閱數: 552

■花蓮縣萬榮鄉公所為辦理「108 年整合萬榮鄉部落觀光景點行銷案-部落市集」,請惠予協助公告宣傳周知,並鼓勵所屬踴躍參加。

一、萬榮鄉(以下簡稱本鄉)四周群山環抱、波光嵐影、景色優美,是自行車、健行的好去處。此外,天然環境資源豐沛,每年春天約 4 月中旬至 5 月中旬為箭筍季、夏天約 7 、 8 月可探訪馬遠游水祕境消暑氣,冬天約 11 、 12 月可至本鄉紅葉村泡好湯及碧赫潭賞櫻花,今年度為地方創生元年,本所希冀藉由原住民手工藝品、農特產品、在地小吃…等市集活動宣傳模式帶動週邊地方產業,並透過市集直接參與的機會,傳達並教育遊客以秉持著造訪原鄉、尊重文化、支持在地的態度認識本鄉。

二、本案市集活動於 108 年 10 月 19 日(星期六)上午 10 時整至下午 5 時整假本鄉原住民文物館停車場辦理(花蓮縣萬榮鄉萬榮村 124 號),現場將有原住民歌舞表演,另當日市集商品消費金額滿新臺幣 100 元(含)以上至本所粉絲頁打卡按讚即可獲得原住民族後背包 1 份,限量 100 份,送完為止。

三、附活動海報 1 份,如有相關問題請洽本所文化暨觀光課沈先生,電話:(03)8751321 分機 238 ,將竭誠為您服務。


忠孝雙語 /Eng Intro

基本資訊和雙語連絡方式School Profile 基本資訊Overview 花蓮縣花蓮市忠孝國民小學建校六十年,深耕地方教育有目共睹。創校以來,為社區的國民教學奠下堅實的基礎,培育無數人才,成為社會中堅。本校位於花蓮市中心區域,交通便捷,屬都市型學校。學區內,家庭組織以工商業及軍公教業居多,家長皆重視子女教育。 現任校長是紀忠呈先生(Principal Chi , Chungcheng)。全校教職員總計逾40人。本校小學部共有20班,學生人數約500人;幼兒園2班,學生人數約60人。 Hualien Municipal Jhong Siao Primary School has had 60 years of history in Hualien with a high reputation for our educational focus. For the past few decades, our school has built a solid academic foundation for the community and nurtured innumerable talented children who turn into the backbone of society. The campus is located in the heart of Hualien City with easy accessibility to many places in downtown. Most of the parents of our pupils work in business, industry, military, public, and education sectors, and all of them highly value their children’s education. Principal Chi , Chungcheng is currently the leader of more than 40 staffs and around 500 students in primary level as well as about 60 pupils in kindergarten. 學校發展歷史 School History 本校於1963年創校。1984年全校班級數20班,學生數最高達853人;2002年班級數最高達24班,學生數768人。創校至今60年,合計有10位校長接力經營本校(含現任)。 Jhong Siao Primary School was founded in 1963. The number of students peaked in 1984 with the total of 854 pupils, and the number for classes reached the highest point of 24 in 2002. In the past six decades, there have been a total of 10 principals, including Principal Hsu, dedicating in running the school. 連繫方式 Contact 花蓮縣花蓮市中華路298號 298 Zhonghua Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970004, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (886)-3-8351218 English Teacher



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