人事 |
2019-03-07 「108年公務人員高等考試三級考試暨普通考試」報名訊息 (訪客 / 665 / 人事) |
2019-03-06 「花蓮縣108年度特殊優良教師遴選及表揚」推薦活動,請有意推薦者,於3月22日(星期五)前,備齊相關表件送人事室彙辦。 (訪客 / 598 / 人事) |
2019-03-04 「108年公務人員特種考試警察人員、一般警察人員考試及108年特種考試交通事業鐵路人員、退除役軍人轉任公務人員考試」報名訊息 (訪客 / 578 / 人事) |
2019-02-27 全國公教員工網路購書優惠方案專屬主題活動「百貨商品主題特展」訊息。 (訪客 / 798 / 人事) |
2019-02-18 注意 教師縣內外介聘★請務必留意處務公告訊息 (訪客 / 806 / 人事) |
2019-02-18 行政院人事行政總處業將107年行政院模範公務人員事蹟簡介電子檔登載於該處「全球資訊網」(https://www.dgpa.gov.tw/)之培訓考用處「差勤獎懲」。 (訪客 / 595 / 人事) |
2019-02-18 108年至111年「全國公教員工及其親屬長期照顧保險」方案,經公開徵選由國泰人壽獲選承作,有關專人說明、投保作業請逕洽國泰人壽辦理。 (訪客 / 591 / 人事) |
2019-02-18 108年至110年「闔家安康」全國公教員工團體意外保險,經公開徵選由中國人壽獲選承作,有關專人說明、投保作業請逕洽中國人壽辦理。 (訪客 / 582 / 人事) |
2019-01-24 為辦理108年花蓮縣政府及行政院模範公務人員選拔,請有意推薦者,於本年2月15日(週五)前,依函備齊表件送人事室,俾利函報縣府遴選。 (訪客 / 705 / 人事) |
2019-01-24 花蓮縣政府及所屬機關學校公教人員108年度健康檢查 (訪客 / 684 / 人事) |
現任校長是紀忠呈先生(Principal Chi, Chungcheng)。全校教職員總計逾40人。本校小學部共有20班,學生人數約500人;幼兒園2班,學生人數約60人。
Hualien Municipal Jhong Siao Primary School has had 60 years of history in Hualien with a high reputation for our educational focus. For the past few decades, our school has built a solid academic foundation for the community and nurtured innumerable talented children who turn into the backbone of society. The campus is located in the heart of Hualien City with easy accessibility to many places in downtown. Most of the parents of our pupils work in business, industry, military, public, and education sectors, and all of them highly value their children’s education. Principal Chi, Chungcheng is currently the leader of more than 40 staff and around 500 students in the primary level as well as about 60 pupils in kindergarten.
Jhong Siao Primary School was founded in 1963. The number of students peaked in 1984 with a total of 854 pupils, and the number of classes reached the highest point of 24 in 2002. In the past six decades, there have been a total of 10 principals, including Principal Hsu, dedicating in running the school.
298 Zhonghua Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: (886)-3-8351218