人事 |
2019-04-11 教育部國教署108學年度徵聘「商借教師」辦理辦理高級中等以下學校學生事務與輔導工作相關業務,請有意商借且符合資格者,於4月30日(週二)前告知本室,並逕自依函寄送履歷表。 (訪客 / 525 / 人事) |
2019-04-09 花蓮縣108學年度預估超額學校、辦理實驗教育學校及專任輔導教師轉任等節,詳如說明,請教師如有意願經由本縣立高級中等以下學校教師介聘他校服務作業介聘至各該學校服務者,應審慎考慮。 (訪客 / 599 / 人事) |
2019-04-08 「108年7月舉辦之各類醫事人員、獸醫師、社工師、法醫師等考試」報名訊息 (訪客 / 523 / 人事) |
2019-04-08 核定花蓮縣消防局局長林文瑞等2人參加108年行政院模範公務人員選拔(如附名冊)。 (訪客 / 684 / 人事) |
2019-04-08 花蓮縣政府108年模範公務人員(如附名冊) (訪客 / 623 / 人事) |
2019-04-08 臺南市教師轉任、介聘年限及相關個別介聘規定訊息。 (訪客 / 786 / 人事) |
2019-04-03 活動 花蓮市教育會辦理「108年太平洋新春健走暨節能減碳及健康促進宣導活動」 (訪客 / 996 / 人事) |
2019-04-01 縣府函知有關教育部辦理「國民小學學科知能評量」之評量結果,各校得研議於自行辦理代理代課教師甄選時參採之。 (訪客 / 749 / 人事) |
2019-04-01 國立清華大學附設實驗國民小學T.O.S.校區國小部自105學年度開始進行彼得‧彼得生(Peter Petersen)混齡編班之實驗課程,如欲申請108年度臺閩地區公立國民中小學暨幼兒園教師介聘至前揭學校服務者,宜審慎考慮。 (訪客 / 776 / 人事) |
2019-04-01 花蓮縣政府定於108年5月18日、19日(星期六、日)辦理「洄瀾情緣27-悅來之旅」未婚公教人員聯誼活動。 (訪客 / 670 / 人事) |
現任校長是紀忠呈先生(Principal Chi, Chungcheng)。全校教職員總計逾40人。本校小學部共有20班,學生人數約500人;幼兒園2班,學生人數約60人。
Hualien Municipal Jhong Siao Primary School has had 60 years of history in Hualien with a high reputation for our educational focus. For the past few decades, our school has built a solid academic foundation for the community and nurtured innumerable talented children who turn into the backbone of society. The campus is located in the heart of Hualien City with easy accessibility to many places in downtown. Most of the parents of our pupils work in business, industry, military, public, and education sectors, and all of them highly value their children’s education. Principal Chi, Chungcheng is currently the leader of more than 40 staff and around 500 students in the primary level as well as about 60 pupils in kindergarten.
Jhong Siao Primary School was founded in 1963. The number of students peaked in 1984 with a total of 854 pupils, and the number of classes reached the highest point of 24 in 2002. In the past six decades, there have been a total of 10 principals, including Principal Hsu, dedicating in running the school.
298 Zhonghua Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: (886)-3-8351218