2020-09-23 公告 「花蓮縣第18期童軍、行義童軍服務員木章基本訓練」意願調查 (訪客 / 700 / 學務) |
2020-09-23 公告 公告本校109學年度第1次英語外聘協同教學代課教師甄選(第1次公告第3次招考)甄選結果 (訪客 / 625 / 人事) |
2020-09-23 公告 「2020秋季全民台語認證」、「2020秋季台語白話字檢定」 (訪客 / 565 / 教務) |
2020-09-22 公告 經濟部礦務局東區辦事處礦物標本室參觀資訊 (訪客 / 525 / 學務) |
2020-09-21 公告 恭賀本校學生參加花蓮市109年度語文競賽成績優異,恭喜得獎同學並感謝各項參賽指導老師平日辛勞的訓練。 (訪客 / 572 / 教務) |
2020-09-19 公告 高級中等以下教育階段非學校型態實驗教育訊息 (訪客 / 502 / 教務) |
2020-09-17 公告 國立臺東生活美學館主辦「2020島嶼音樂季」活動,請各界踴躍參加。 (訪客 / 518 / 學務) |
2020-09-16 公告 09年9月14日至20日為交通安全週,本年度主題為「路口行人安全」 (訪客 / 578 / 學務) |
2020-09-14 公告 109年度原住民族語言能力認證測驗 (訪客 / 644 / 教務) |
2020-09-09 公告 本校109學年度第1次英語外聘協同教學代課教師甄選【第1次公告分3次招考】 (訪客 / 550 / 人事) |
現任校長是紀忠呈先生(Principal Chi, Chungcheng)。全校教職員總計逾40人。本校小學部共有20班,學生人數約500人;幼兒園2班,學生人數約60人。
Hualien Municipal Jhong Siao Primary School has had 60 years of history in Hualien with a high reputation for our educational focus. For the past few decades, our school has built a solid academic foundation for the community and nurtured innumerable talented children who turn into the backbone of society. The campus is located in the heart of Hualien City with easy accessibility to many places in downtown. Most of the parents of our pupils work in business, industry, military, public, and education sectors, and all of them highly value their children’s education. Principal Chi, Chungcheng is currently the leader of more than 40 staff and around 500 students in the primary level as well as about 60 pupils in kindergarten.
Jhong Siao Primary School was founded in 1963. The number of students peaked in 1984 with a total of 854 pupils, and the number of classes reached the highest point of 24 in 2002. In the past six decades, there have been a total of 10 principals, including Principal Hsu, dedicating in running the school.
298 Zhonghua Road, Hualien City, Hualien County 970004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: (886)-3-8351218